Green Tea & Breast Health
Benefits of Green Tea Extracts
I try my hardest to make it a daily routine to drink a cup of green tea daily. Green tea tastes awesome so it’s not that hard of a habit to keep. There are tons of benefits to green tea which I will save for a later post. For this post I want to discuss the benefits of green tea and aid in breast cancer prevention.
Now green tea is not a cure or treatment for breast cancer. There is research to support green tea for breast cancer prevention.
In an article published in World Journal of Clinical Oncology, (PMCID: PMC4127621), studies were reviewed to examine green tea polyphenols in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. They found that the studies showed that components in green tea helped prevent and reduce tumor size.
Green tea is largely consumed by the Okinawa people in Japan. They are noted as people with the longest life spans. Some believe this is notated to their traditional habit of drinking green tea.
In 1993, the National Cancer Research Institute, in Tokyo, published an article about the anti-cancer activity of green tea. What they found was catechins from green tea blocked the effect of estrogen and hence reduced the growth of breast cancer cells. There has been several other studies finding different mechanisms for green tea extracts suppressing breast cancer cells.
If you are not a fan of drinking green tea you can also look for a professional supplement and take it by a capsule or tablet. Talk to your pharmacist to find a reputable supplement that will work for you.
Enjoy your green tea! More topics related to breast cancer to come!
1. Accessed on October 6 2020